
Amen, amen, I say to you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit. (John 3:5)

 The sacrament of baptism ushers us into the divine life, cleanses us from sin, and initiates us as members of the Christian community. It is the foundation for the sacramental life.

At baptism, the presider prays over the water:


Father, look now with love upon your Church, and unseal for her the fountain of baptism. By the power of the Holy Spirit give to this water the grace of your Son, so that in the sacrament of baptism all those whom you have created in your likeness may be cleansed from sin and rise to a new birth of innocence by water and the Holy Spirit. (Christian Initiation of Adults, #222A)


Infant Baptisms (Children 0-6 Years of Age)

We are  excited that you are considering the Sacrament of Baptism for your child at St. Joseph Parish, Mountain View. Baptisms are offered on a Saturday morning, at 10:00AM, for children up to the age of 6.

 If your child is over the age of 7, please click [HERE].


Infant baptism Checklist (for children under the age of 6)


You can complete the online Baptism Registration Form or you can submit a paper form in person, by visiting the Parish Office (Tuesday through Friday, 1:30PM-7:30PM).

Please bring with you a copy of your child's birth certificate.

Requirements for Godparents:

  • Minimum 1 Godparent, maximum 2 Godparents.
  • Must be baptized and fully initiated in the Catholic Faith, and be practicing Catholic.
  • Minimum age of 16.

Each parent and godparent must attend a Baptism Preparation Class.

  • Classes in English are available on the second Monday of the month, at 6:45pm.
  • Classes in Spanish are available on the third Saturday of the month, at 9:00am.

Please contact the Parish Office to schedule the baptism date, and to register for the preparation class at (650)967-3831.

If you are taking the class with us, but baptizing elsewhere, please submit the class offering ($25) in advance. There are three ways to make the payment:

  • Via our online platform [HERE].
  • In person (cash or check) at the parish office, Tuesday through Friday, 1:30PM-7:30PM.
  • Sending a check to: St. Joseph Parish Office, P.O. Box 27, Mountain View, CA 94042.




Freed from Sin


Baptism frees us from the bondage of original and actual sin. Water is poured in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Today, the sacrament of baptism is often performed on infants, shortly after birth. Adult baptisms take place at the Easter Vigil through the restored Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. Adults or children who have been baptized in a valid Christian church are not baptized again in the Catholic church. As we say in the Nicene Creed, “I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins…”



The Catechism teaches:


"The fruit of Baptism, or baptismal grace, is a rich reality that includes forgiveness of original sin and all personal sins, birth into the new life by which man becomes an adoptive son of the Father, a member of Christ and a temple of the Holy Spirit. By this very fact the person baptized is incorporated into the Church, the Body of Christ, and made a sharer in the priesthood of Christ" (CCC 1279).


 Baptismal Symbols


  • Water – The waters of baptism recall Jesus’ own baptism by John the Baptist in the river Jordan. Water is a symbol of cleansing and renewal as we begin a new life in Christ. We are washed clean of sin.
  • Oil – At baptism we are anointed into the life of Christ as “priest, prophet and king.” A cross is traced on the candidate’s forehead as a reminder that we are inheritors of the Kingdom of God.
  • Light – The baptismal candle is lit from the Paschal or Easter candle that stands in the church as a sign of Christ’s light in the world. At baptism, we receive the light of Christ and are called forth to share this light with the world.
  • White garment – The white garment that is placed upon us at baptism is a symbol of Christ’s victory over death and his glorious resurrection. Likewise, the white garment or pall that is placed over the coffin at the time of death recalls our baptismal promises and reminds us that we are destined for eternal life.


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