Altar Servers assist during the celebration of the Eucharist and are a visible example to the assembly of active participation during the Mass. Boys and girls attending grades fifth thru high school are welcome to join.
Training provided.
St Joseph Parish welcomes those who would like to participate in this ministry, distributing communion to the sick and the homebound.
A candidate, has to be confimed and at least 16 years of age. Training is provided.
If you feel called to serve this ministry, please contact us.
Monday thru Thursday at 2:30PM. Benediction at 3:30PM.
Lunes a jueves a las 2:30PM. Bendición Solemne a las 3:30PM.
Fridays from 8:00AM. Benediction at 3:30PM.
Viernes desde las 8:00AM. Bendición Solemne a las 3:30PM.
Night Adoration / Adoración Nocturna
On the fourth Saturday of the month, after the 7:00PM Mass.
El cuarto sábado del mes, después de la misa de 7:00PM.
The purpose of the ministry is to create an atmosphere with the liturgical space that invites and inspires the assembly to full and conscious participation in the paschal mystery in keeping with the seasons of the liturgical year.
The Art & Environment committee - "Lilies of the Valley", is responsible for arranging the seasonal decorations and the plants that are in the church throughout the year. This committee is made up of parishioners who meet weekly to ensure that church flowers arrangements are fresh and up to date with the liturgy of the upcoming Masses.
Lectors are commissioned by the pastor to proclaim the Word in our liturgical worship.
This Ministry is open to fully participating Catholics who have a deep love for the Holy Scripture and for the listening assembly. Newcomers are welcomed. Training is provided.
Liturgy and prayer are parish priorities. Music is an essential component of good liturgy. Members bring their musical talent to lead the community in prayer. Instrumentalists and singers of all ages and abilities are welcome to join.
Si desea ser parte de alguno de nuestros coros, por favor contacte a la oficina parroquial por medio del link:
Serving the 5:30PM Mass on Saturdays.
If you would like to join, please contact Robert at:
We practise on Monday evenings.
This ministry is open to men and women who want to interact with parishioners by greeting them as they come to church. They are also in charge of collecting the treasure offerings after the homily. The head usher is responsible for asking parishioners to take the offering of bread and wine to the altar. Ushers also help parishioners find a seat at Mass.
Church Address
582 Hope Street, Mountain View, CA 94041
Parish Office Address
580 Hope Street, Mountain View, CA 94041
Please send ALL correspondence to:
P.O. Box 27, Mountain View, CA 94042
Tuesday through Friday: 1:30PM - 7:30PM
Monday: by phone Only
Please ring the doorbell at the Parish Office building.