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Our Mission


Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul. Organized locally at our parish, Vincentians witness God's love by embracing all works of charity and justice. The Society collaborates with other people of good will in relieving need and addressing its causes, making no distinction in those served because, in them, Vincentians see the face of Christ.


2025 First Quarter Report

In the past 3 months we have spent $10,875 helping 16 families, including 12 children. We helped families pay their rent, utilities, car registration, and insurance. We helped some homeless families purchase generators so that they could have light and heat during the winter. We were able to help one family pay the security deposit for an apartment, so they could get off of the street and into a home. All of our funds are donated by the parishioners of St. Joseph parish and 100% of the money goes to help our neighbors in need. Thank you for your generosity.


We can only do this with your help. Please help us continue our mission by donating to our Second Collection on March 30.




If you can volunteer your time to be part of this ministry, please contact us at stjosephmtnviewSVDP@gmail.com. We could especially use additional Spanish speakers. There is no minimum time commitment.

Ways to Donate


  • Donations can be made in cash or check, payable to Saint Vincent de Paul, and dropped off in the collection basket during Mass or at the Parish Office. If your donation is in cash please specify that you want the donation to go to SVdP. 

Puedes hacer tu donación en efectivo o por cheque pagadero a Saint Vincent the Paul, y depositarlo en la canasta de la colecta durante la misa, o puedes entregarlo en la Oficina Parroquial.  Si tu donación es en efectivo, por favor indica que es para SVdP.

  • Checks can also be mailed to St. Joseph Parish Office, PO Box 27, Mountain View, CA 94042.

Los cheques pueden ser enviados por correo a:  St. Joseph Parish, PO Box 27, Mountain View, CA 94042.

  • Donate online using the button below. You can register as an online giver and log in whenever you want to make a gift, or you can sign in as a guest.

También puedes hacer tu donación en línea usando el botón amarillo "Donate Online". Puedes registrarte como donante en línea o como visitante.


Donate Online

Please click below for other available community resources/Presiona el botón para obtener la lista de ayudas adicionales

Listed Help Resources

Contact Saint Vincent de Paul/Contacta al Grupo de San Vicente de Paul


Do you need help? / Necesitas Ayuda?


Leave us a message at 650-967-3831.  Once you hear the automated options dial extension 125,

or complete the form below.


Por favor déjanos un mensaje llamando al 650-967-3831, luego marca el 125, o completa la forma que aparece abajo.

Contact Saint Vincent de Paul/Contacta al Grupo de San Vicente de Paul

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