Please submit by 5:00pm on Thursday, the week before the date of the mass intention.
Por favor envíe su intención antes de las 5:00pm del jueves de la semana anterior a la fecha de la intención.
Dear Parishioner,
This is to acknowledge that your Mass Intention has been received. Please be aware that submission deadlines are as follows:
Mass intenions are printed by close of business on Thursday, the week prior to the selected date. Submissions with less than a week's notice are not guaranteed.
Please make your offering here
Estimado Feligres,
Su intención de misa ha sido recibida. Por favor tome nota que es necesario que envíe su solicitud con una semana de anticipación.
Las intenciones se imprimen los jueves a las 5pm para la siguiente semana comenzando el dia domingo.
Por favor haga su ofrenda aqui
Church Address
582 Hope Street, Mountain View, CA 94041
Parish Office Address
580 Hope Street, Mountain View, CA 94041
Please send ALL correspondence to:
P.O. Box 27, Mountain View, CA 94042
Tuesday through Friday: 1:30PM - 7:30PM
Monday: by phone Only
Please ring the doorbell at the Parish Office building.