New & Ongoing

Announcements and Events

Current and upcoming Events


JANUARY 25, 2025

Please join Bishop Cantu at St. John Vianney Parish on January 25, at 8:00AM for the Diocesan Mass before the Walk for Life West Coast event.

If you are planning on attending the Walk in San Francisco, please note that there will be a shuttle to and from St. William Parish parking lot in Los Altos,  leaving at 7:45am. The bus will drop us off at St. Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco, and pick us up at the Ferry Building where the Walk ends.  To reserve your spot please visit:

Click here for the full schedule of events.


Students in Grades 6–12:  Share Your  Voice in the Youth Survey!

Our Catholic schools are partnering with the Diocese of San José for a special opportunity to listen to students in grades 6–12. The Youth Survey is the chance for our students to share their experiences and hopes for faith and community. The survey takes just 10 minutes and will help shape the Diocese’s approach to youth and campus ministry.  Survey Deadline: February 7, 2025.  Let’s work together to inspire the Church of tomorrow! Access the Survey here:  English | Spanish.                                 [Image by Freepik]

SUNDAY BULLETIN - January 19, 2025

Check our weekly bulletin for additional announcements.

BOLETIN DOMINICAL -  19 de enero de 2025

Lee nuestro boletin dominical para más anuncios.

The Magazine of the Catholic Diocese of San José.

La revista de la Diócesis de San José.


Do you have eyeglasses, sunglasses, reading glasses or frames at home that you don’t need anymore? Did you know that your old eyeglasses can change a life?  By giving sight to someone who is visually impaired you can help them gain employment, complete their schooling, care for themselves, and care for others. 

Please deposit your eyeglasses in the donation box in the rear of the church, or drop them off at the parish office.


¿Tienes anteojos, gafas de sol, gafas para leer o aros en casa que ya no necesitas? ¿Sabías que tus anteojos usados pueden cambiar una vida? Al darle la vista a alguien con discapacidad visual puedes ayudarlo a conseguir un empleo, completar sus estudios, así como cuidar de sí mismo y de otros.

Encuentra la caja de donaciones en la parte trasera de la iglesia o dejalos en la oficina parroquial para tus donaciones de anteojos y gafas de sol. 

 Ongoing in the Parish


Monday through Thursday after the 2PM Mass - Benediction at 3:30PM.

Friday all day, after the 7:30AM Mass - Benediction at 3:30PM.

“Come with me to a quiet place and rest awhile.” -Mark 6:31.  

ADORACION EUCARISTICA- todos los dias de semana

Lunes a jueves después de la misa de 2PM - Bendición a las 3:30PM.

Viernes después de la misa de 7:30AM - Bendición a las 3:30PM.

“Y él les dijo: Venid vosotros aparte a un lugar desierto, y reposad un poco...” -Marcos 6:31.


The Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help is now included every Wednesday during our celebration of the 2:00PM Holy Mass. We invite you to join us. 

Estudio de las Sagradas Escrituras 

Todos los lunes

La Parroquia de St. Joseph invita a hombres y mujeres mayores de 18 años, a participar en el Grupo de Estudio de las Sagradas Escrituras. Ven a explorar y compartir reflexiones sobre los textos sagrados para conocer y enriquecer más tu fe. 

Te esperamos cada lunes de 7:00PM a 8:00PM, en el salón de conferencias de la Oficina Parroquial. 

Facilitador:  Diácono Oscar Godinez.                       [Image by Freepik]

Jornada de Oración

Acompáñanos en las Jornadas de Oración el primer sábado de cada mes. Comenzamos con la Misa de 7:30AM y continuamos con el Santo Rosario hasta las 12PM. 

Te esperamos el  1 de febrero de 2025.

Devoción al Santo Rosario

Lunes - 6:30PM

Martes - 6:30PM

Miércoles - 6:30PM

Jueves - 6:15PM

Viernes - 6:30PM

Sábado - 3PM* (El 1er sábado no habrá Rosario)

Domingo - 12PM

En el invierno nos reunimos en la oficina parroquial.

Novena to Saint Joseph

Join us every Saturday at 3PM to pray a novena to St. Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

We start with the Chaplet to the Divine Mercy, followed by the Rosary and then the novena.  

All are welcome!

Legion of Mary

Join us every Sunday at 8AM.  The Legion of Mary's goal is to help people get closer to Jesus through Mary. The work is to be done in closest union with Mary. We can participate with apostolic work, prayer and sharing our work with others.

Rosario de Hombres

Primer y tercer sábado del mes - después de misa de 7PM.  Nos reunimos adentro de la iglesia.

Adoración Nocturna  |  Nocturnal Adoration

El cuarto sábado del mes, después de la misa de 7PM. Le invitamos a acompañarnos en la adoración al Santísimo Sacramento hasta la media noche. Más información sobre la Adoración Nocturna |AQUI|  

Fourth Saturday of the month, after the 7PM Mass. Join us in the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until midnight.  More information |HERE| We look forward to seeing you.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please click here or call the Parish Office at 650-967-3831. 

Si estás interesado en ser voluntario en alguno de nuestros ministerios, por favor haz clic aquí para obtener información, o llama a la oficina parroquial al 650-967-3831.

Become a Knight of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus Council #4926 is seeking new members. The KoC is a Catholic lay organization founded on the principles of Charity, Devotion and the promotion of Catholic values, that provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities to serve the needs of Catholic families within the five local Parishes -  St. Joseph, St. Simon, St. Nicholas, St. William and St. Athanasius.   If you are interested in joining, please email your contact information to

We meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30PM at the Parish Office.

St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. Joseph Mountain View

The SVdP Society meets every other Wednesday. Our in-person meetings are held at the Parish Office (580 Hope Street, Mountain View) on the first Wednesday of the month; our virtual meetings are on the third Wednesday. Next in-person meeting is on February 5, 2025 at 7:00pm in Conference Room 3 at the Parish Office.

If you are interested in joining us, please contact Frank Pelkofer at

Monthly Evenings of Recollection for Women

Women (18 and over) are invited to the monthly evenings of recollection, at St. Joseph Parish in Mountain View, given by a priest of the Prelature of Opus Dei, with time for prayer, examination of conscience, and confession. Join us on Tuesday, February 11th, at 6:30 PM in the church.

Monthly Evenings of Recollection for Men

Men (18 and over) are invited to the monthly evenings of recollection, at St. Joseph Parish in Mountain View, given by a priest of the Prelature of Opus Dei, with time for prayer, examination of conscience, and confession.  We will meet on Wednesday, February 19th at 7:00PM in the church.

The Italian Catholic Federation, Branch #47 

Are proud to be a part of St. Joseph Church. We look forward to seeing you at our monthly meetings, on the third Tuesday of each month. Let’s bring our community together and share our faith and religious spirit. We welcome all heritages to strengthen our organization through our diversity. Our Next meeting is on January 21, 2025 at 6:30pm at the Parish Office.

AA Sunday Group (weekly meetings)

AA meets every Sunday at 6PM in the Large Conference Room at the Parish Office, 580 Hope St, Mountain View (please use door facing Hope Street).   For more information please call 650-669-1578.

Marriage Preparation Course (English) 

Diocesan Marriage Preparation dates for 2025 are now available! Diocesan Virtual Marriage Preparation Retreat Registration can be found at This site also includes information on the Marriage Process in the Catholic Church, and in-person retreats. 

If you have questions regarding the course you can email us at

English Retreat dates:  • 3/22/2025 & 5/17/2025

Preparación Matrimonial (español)

Las nuevas fechas para el Retiro Diocesano de Preparación Matrimonial, para el año 

2025, ya están disponibles. Puedes encontrar la forma de registro aquí: El sitio web también incluye información sobre el proceso matrimonial en la iglesia católica, y sobre retiros en persona. Para más información puedes contactarnos enviando un correo electrónico a

Fechas español:  • 2/8/2025,  4/12/2025 & 6/21/2025

Pastors Message

St Joseph School

School website

St. Joseph Mountain View, Catholic School
1120 Miramonte Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94040

Phone: (650) 967-1839
Fax: (650) 691-1530


Diocese of San Jose


Visit our Diocese website for updated information [ here ]


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