The Centennial Celebration Tree is a permanent remembrance inside the church, where parishioners are able to have the names of their loved ones (living or deceased) engraved on a tree leaf. It is a permanent display that will always be part of our parish history.
Parishioners, individuals, families, or groups (living or deceased).
Please fill out the FORM online, or in person at the parish office.
Each leaf costs $125.00 plus $1.00 for any additional letters over the first 20 free letters.
You may request up to two lines of engraving, the first 20 letters will be free of charge and each additional letter will cost $1.00
By check, payable to "Saint Joseph Church" and sent to: St. Joseph Parish, PO Box 27 Mountain View CA 94042 or by making an online payment [ HERE]
Please call the Parish Office at (650) 967-3831 during business hours or leave a message.
Church Address
582 Hope Street, Mountain View, CA 94041
Parish Office Address
580 Hope Street, Mountain View, CA 94041
Please send ALL correspondence to:
P.O. Box 27, Mountain View, CA 94042
Tuesday through Friday: 1:30PM - 7:30PM
Monday: by phone Only
Please ring the doorbell at the Parish Office building.