If you are interested in volunteering please fill out the bottom form

The Diocese of San José remains steadfast in our commitment to the safety and well-being of our children and vulnerable adults. We must all remain vigilant in order to protect our youth and most vulnerable. As outlined in the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, we recognize that clergy, diocesan personnel, volunteers, parents, and youth play a critical role in safety and prevention. Bearing this in mind, it is important that we are all aware of our Safe Environment requirements and responsibilities as delineated in diocesan procedures, policies, and codes of conduct.

All adult volunteers (18 years and older), as well as all clergy and diocesan personnel who serve in any capacity with children or vulnerable adults, must complete the following requirements:

  1. All personnel, including clergy and volunteers, must submit the proper background screening and clear the criminal history check prior to engaging in ministry or employment. For additional information, please visit the Diocesan website at https://www.dsj.org/protecting-gods-children/opcva-conduct-and-policy/.
  2. All personnel, including clergy and volunteers, must complete the appropriate Diocesan Safe Environment training course to learn how to recognize and report abuse or misconduct prior to engaging in ministry or employment. Thereafter, Diocesan Safe Environment training must be renewed every three (3) years. Training is available exclusively via the VIRTUS online learning management system (www.virtusonline.org). The training is available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Korean. 
  3. All volunteers must complete and sign the Volunteer Waiver Form. Volunteers under 18 must have the Volunteer Waiver Form signed by a parent. Please return signed form to the Parish Office.

The word Liturgy means “the work of the people.”  Liturgical Ministries are a way to serve the Church during the Mass you are already attending such as:

Music, prayer group, alter serving, extraordinary ministers of holy communion, liturgical flowers, lector, and usher/greeter.

Service Ministries include

Grief Ministry, Home Ministry and Hospitality Sunday.

Description Title

The St. Vincent de Paul society helps people within our parish who are in need regardless of who they are. We are an entirely volunteer organization and all of your donations go directly to those in need. 

Interest to Volunteer

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