Messages from the Parish Finance Council

Important Letter from the Parish Finance Council

May 17, 2020

Dear Parishioners,

We want to take this opportunity to provide you an update on our Parish. These changing times under the shelter-in-place orders have affected us all in so many ways. Our Parish too has been impacted but with adversity comes opportunity. During this time, we’ve made many mandatory and necessary changes to our operating procedures that are already helping make a difference. Our masses are now Live Streamed every Sunday in English at 10 AM and Spanish at 1PM. This has been very well received and growing in numbers each week. We will continue these services into the future. Please feel free to invite family and friends to join us.

While it is uncertain of the exact timing when we will reopen our church to in-person masses, please be assured that when we do we will be implementing all required and necessary guidelines to help make our church a healthy environment where we can once again congregate and celebrate our faith and friendships together.

Some of the maintenance and hygiene steps we will be taking to ensure the health and wellness of our collective community include disinfecting pews for every mass and sanitizing every part of the church.

Also, our youth and young adult faith formation program has transitioned to distance learning where we have adapted by creating new materials to accommodate online learning. We will continue to assess the changing needs and adapt as we continue in this new format.

Each of these new requirements create more expenses for our Parish. This means that our current operating expenses are severely strained and provide operating budget only for the next two months. 

We are grateful for each and every one of you and your continued support and presence in our Parish. We are in this together and we are committed to serving you our faith community. We are now asking for your additional support.

With no Federal or State assistance available to our Parish, we ask all Parishioners during this time to give and/or increase your donations to cover this gap until this pandemic is over. 

Kindly prayerfully consider your donation. Give as your heart guides you to further support our Parish. 

Thank you, 

Saint Joseph Finance Committee

PS. If possible, we urge our Parishioners to use the Online Giving Portal and help us fulfil the needs of our Parish: "Online Giving"

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