Sunday Offertory

Your Sunday Offertory sustains our parish. Because of your generosity, our community of faith offers assistance to those in need, teaches children about our Faith, engages youth in meaningful ways, ministers to the sick, and more.

Now more than ever, our parish is relying on your continued support so that, when this challenging time passes, we can resume the normal ministries as well as address the needs that are developing during this crisis. Together, we can emerge stronger than ever with a renewed focus on serving those in most need.

Please give generously to the Sunday Collection basket during Mass; use your contribution envelopes or our online giving platform.

More benefits of Online Giving include

24/7 access to your account and the ability to donate
Easily schedule recurring and future donations to coincide with your pay period
Credit card option allows you to take advantage of rewards such as air miles or cash bonuses
No need to disclose bank information because you enter it directly into the Online Giving secure site
Continue to support your church even when you can't attend service with one-time or recurring donations
With full control of your account you can easily adjust your contribution amounts

Ready to get started? Here's how.


  1. Create an account
              - Go to our
    Online Giving website and select a fund to donate a gift to by clicking " Give Now ."
              - Enter your gift amount, select your gift type and frequency, select a start date, and click continue.
  2. Enter your account information
              - Enter your information, payment information, and payment method address.
              - Then create a new password and click "
    Submit Your Gift ."
              - A confirmation email will then be sent to your inbox.
  3. You are now all set up to give!
              - You can now sign in through this page to access your account to see upcoming and past gifts.


More questions?

If you have additional questions regarding Online Giving, feel free to contact the parish office.
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